April 14, 2023

17 Days To Approve Advanced Parole Delay: A Case Study


Would you believe us if we told you your application delay can be resolved in 17 days?

Today, we’re giving you the inside play-by-play on a recent case for an Advanced Parole application delay that was approved in 17 days.

If you’ve been waiting on the government for an H4, EAD, AP or U Visa application delay and want results fast, this post is for you..

5 Easy Steps To Get Your Delay Resolved (With Real Case Proof)

Step #1 – Reset Your Mind

The first step is to forget everything you thought you knew about trying to get someone to help you with your application delay.

If you listen to anyone else trying to get your application delay resolved, they’ll advise you to contact your local government office or hire an expensive lawyer to sue the government.

If you want to pay $3k to $5k to have an attorney do for you what we charge a couple hundred dollars, there are many lawyers filing group cases you can join. These cases typically take much longer and you are paying for a defense that is simply never needed.

Insider Secret: The government typically approves your case over 90% of the time, so you’re shelling out thousands of dollars for a defense that never happens.

Step #2 – Purchase A Limited Money-Back Guarantee Playbook

Purchase our playbook for a limited time money-back guarantee. The playbook includes videos and a quick course to walk you through the information you need to collect and send to our team.

If you do not receive a response on your case within 60 days, we will send you back your money.

We do not refund the $402 processing fee or the $20 mailing fees that are paid to process your complaint.  These are government filing fees and postage fees, so you’ll receive the amount you paid for the playbook after processing costs are deducted.

You should already have 95% of the information you need to send to our team because most of it is on the H4, EAD, Advanced Parole, or U Visa application you’ve already submitted.

Step #3 – Pro Se Pro Writes Your Complaint

After you go through the playbook and submit the information to our team, you get to sit back and let our team go to work. This is where the white glove service kicks in.

Our team drafts a complaint for your case and sends it to you for final approval. You have unlimited revisions to go back and forth with our team until you are satisfied with your draft. It typically takes one or two at most.

The initial draft is typically ready within a week of when you send us the information to complete your complaint.

Step #4 – You Sip Coffee While We Serve The Government

As soon as you give us the green light on your complaint document, our team mails the documents to the proper local federal district court.


The Advanced Parole case that was approved in 17 days was mailed to the federal district court on 11/26/22. The court sends back documents to our team acknowledging they’ve received the case. One of these documents is called the Summons.

After our team receives the Summons, we mail it to the US. Attorney General. As soon as your case is received by the US. Attorney General, the government legally has 60 days to respond to your case.

This is the secret sauce of the playbook (along with our carefully crafted complaint that has worked time and time again for hundreds of applicants).


While this case was approved 17 days after we sued the government, Uncle Sam legally has 60 days to respond to your complaint. However, 60 days is nothing when you consider many applicants we’ve helped have already been waiting 6 months to 1 year to hear anything.  If you’ve been waiting on a U Visa, that wait time could be more like 5 years.

Step #5 – The Government Will Respond With A Decision


After your Summons is delivered to the US Attorney General, the government is legally bound to respond in 60 days. In our experience, 90% of the time the government will approve your application. It doesn’t matter if it’s for Advanced Parole, EAD, H4 or U Visa. The outcome is the same.

The reason it works is the government simply doesn’t want to spend the time to fight your case. In all honesty, your application is sitting in a filing cabinet somewhere and it’s easier for the clerks to approve your application than to dig up your application, try to fight it and pay for a defense.

If you are ready to grab your limited time money-back spot, click the button below to buy your playbook now. Be sure to enter the coupon code MONEYBACK. 👇 👇

Frequently Asked Questions

❓Will my application be negatively impacted by suing the government using Pro Se Pro?

No. It’s your legal right to serve the US. Government to get them take action on your application. Your application is simply not their priority until we make it one.

There is no negative impact to attempting to get the government to act. It would be no different if you joined a group case to get your application approved. The only main difference is you’d be paying an attorney thousands of dollars.

❓Does Pro Se Pro legally represent my case?

No, and it’s actually in your best interest that we don’t. Clerks and the US Government have to follow certain rules when they respond to attorneys. Since you are technically representing yourself, the clerks have to treat you much differently than they would an attorney following up on a case.

After we file your complaint, we give you the contact information to follow up with your local government office if you choose to do so.

❓Can I use one playbook for me and my household?

Yes. If other family members are also waiting on an application with the government, our team will gladly create documents for your household at no extra cost to you.

If you join a class action case, most attorneys will charge you per individual. If you’re doing the math, that’s a couple thousand dollars a few times over (and they’re simply adding your family member’s name to the document)

What are you waiting for?

This is your opportunity to get a response to your delay essentially risk free. We are only doing this because we know how effective our strategy is for our clients.

If you are ready to take action and put a fire under the government for your delay, click the button below to buy your playbook today. Be sure to enter the coupon code MONEYBACK. 👇 👇

Want to learn more about the playbook?

If you need more information about the playbook process, you can always check out our playbooks page by clicking here.


Stop Waiting On The USCIS

Tired of waiting on a EAD or BFD application decision? You’re a few clicks from getting a response from the government in 60 days or less.
Learn more

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